Spectrum is an approved facility by JEVIC
for ; NZ/Australian Biosecurity Check. NZLTSA Check. Bikes and other Vehicles maybe prechecked. before packing/export at Spectrums Facility.How to Buy
Bid to win!
Spectrum proudly brings you access to one of the Largest Heavy Equipment Auctions in Japan.
This Auction runs every Saturday and data will appear and be updated for each auction throughout the week.
- Cars
- Trucks
- Cranes
- Diggers
- BullDozers
- Excavators
- Fire Engines
- Generators
- Boats
- Cherry Pickers
- Tractors
- Farm and cultivating equipment
- etc
Pretty much anything you can imagine is Here!!!
Spectrum can Pre-check Items for you if you Make bids through the system.
You can also make comments with your Bid.
If you do not have access and wish to view and participate please return this mail with your full name and Spectrum Login ID and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you do not have a Spectrum Login ID you will need to apply for one here.
Spectrum Membership Registration

Note : Spectrum can only check visible areas of the equipment and make sure that the items operates as it should.
Happy Buying